In 2002 the City of Canyon was officially designated a Main Street city. The Texas Main Street Program is part of the Texas Historical Commission. It was started in 1981 and is one of the most successful throughout the United States. There are currently more than 40 states that participate in the national program which is hosted by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
The Main Street methodology addresses four areas of concern and combines activities in these areas to develop a community’s individual strategy for strengthening and redeveloping its central business district. The Four Point Approach encompasses Organization, Promotion, Design, and Business, Planning and Development. Our Canyon Economic Development Board serves as our Business, Planning and Development Committee. They strengthen our town’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base.
The Canyon Main Street program is designed on community involvement and public-private partnerships to preserve a town’s unique assets and create an inviting atmosphere in town. It is also used as a powerful tool focused on economic development within the context of historic preservation. Canyon Main Street is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and also in the department of Business and Community Development for the City of Canyon.
Mission Statement: “To improve quality of life for the citizens of Canyon and the benefit of the overall community, through the enhancement and promotion of historic preservation, restoration, business vitality, tourism, cultural and arts awareness.”
Vision Statement: “We envision Canyon to have a vital active historically preserved downtown which contributes to having a sound economy for the community.”
The Texas Main Street Program is a powerful network of 88 communities in the Lone Star State utilizing the Main Street Four Point Approach to revitalize their historic downtowns and create positive economic impact.
The diversity of Texas Main Street Program participants provides evidence that the Four Point model used nationwide by designated programs for 40 years can work for any community with a historic downtown. A nationally-utilized operational method is implemented in designated Main Street communities to help maintain focus on the issues needing attention, but it is truly the power of the residents, all working together for this common ideal of a revitalized historic downtown that makes the program work. Volunteerism truly is the backbone of the Main Street effort. If you live in a Main Street community, we encourage you to shop local, visit your downtown and perhaps become involved in your local organization to help make your downtown something of which the whole community can be proud!
Program Coordinator
(806) 656-6833
Claudia Burkett
David Wheeler
Haleigh Hudson
Brian Noel
Helen Campsey
Janna Wartes (President)
Jed Welch
Elizabeth Carlson
Jenny Morgan (Vice President)
Kara Gist
Kari Trice (Secretary/Treasurer)
Heather Wilson
Kristin Johnson
Maryann Hueston (Past President)
Jared Wirt
Matt McComas
If you would like to serve on this board, please fill out an online application.
We really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch. Please fill in the form.
Become a Canyon
Main Street Insider:
The Canyon Main Street program is designed on community involvement and public-private partnerships to preserve a town’s unique assets and create an inviting atmosphere in town. It is also used as a powerful tool focused on economic development within the context of historic preservation.